Thermodynamic Investigation on the Formation of Inclusions containing MgAl2O4 Spinel during 16Cr-14Ni Austenitic Stainless Steel Manufacturing Processes (Park; Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 2008, vol.472, p.43)
Characterization of Non metallic Inclusions in High Manganese and Aluminum-Alloyed Austenitic Steels (Park et al.; Metall. Mater. Trans. A, 2012, vol.43A, pp. 2316-2324)
Effect of CaO/Al2O3 ratio of ladle slag on formation behavior of inclusions in Mn and V alloyed steel(Shin and Park; ISIJ Int., 2018, vol.58, pp.88-97)
Characterization of non-metallic inclusions and their influence on the mechanical properties of a FCC single-phase high-entropy alloy(Choi, Lim, Na, Glatzel and Park; J. Alloys & Compd., 2018, vol.763, pp.546-557)
Effect of nitrogen on grain growth and formability of Ti-stabilized ferritic stainless steel(Lee, Kim and Park: Scientific Reports, 2019, vol.9, article #6369, pp.1-11)
Effect of initial iron content in a zinc bath on the dissolution rate of solid iron during hot dip galvanizing process(Lee, Pak and Park; Metall. Mater. Trans. A, 2017, vol.48A, pp.1788-1796)
Effect of atmosphere and slag composition on the evolution of PH3 gas during cooling of reducing dephosphorization slags(Shin and Park ; ISIJ Int., 2013, vol.53, pp.385-390)
Structure-Viscosity Relationship of Low-silica Calcium Aluminosilicate Melts(Kim and Park: ISIJ Int., 2014, vol.54, pp.2031-2038)
Effect of Direct Reduced Iron (DRI) on Dephosphorization of Molten Steel by Electric Arc Furnace Slag(Heo and Park; Metall. Mater. Trans. B, 2018, vol.49B, pp.3381-3389) ; TMS-EPD (Extraction & Processing Division) Science Awarded Paper
Interfacial reaction between magnesia refractory and “FeO”-rich slag: Formation of magnesiowüstitie protective layer(Han, Heo and Park et al.; Ceram. Int., 2019, vol.45, pp.10481-10491)
Improving the production efficiency of high-titania slag in Ti extraction process: fluxing effect on formation of pseudobrookite(Kim, Heo and Park; Scientific Reports, 2020, vol.10, article number 6530, pp.1-12)
Mechanism of MgO dissolution in MgF2-CaF2-MF (M=Li or Na) melts: Kinetic analysis via in-situ high temperature confocal scanning laser microscopy (HT-CSLM) (Lee, Yang, Min and Park; Ceram. Int., 2019, vol.45, pp.20251-20257)
Massive recycling of waste mobile phones: Pyrolysis, physical treatment, and pyrometallurgical processing of insoluble residue(Park et al.; ACS Sustain. Chem. & Eng., 2019, vol.7, pp.14119-14125)
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