Laboratory Facilities
Fundamental Research for Producing High-Purity & High-Cleanliness Stainless Steels
Refining of High-Mn Steels for Generation Applications
Applications of Computational Thermodynamics for Producing High-Clean Steels ; Focusing on Smart Manufacturing
Novel Manufacturing Processes for Advanced High-Entropy Alloys
Grain Refinement of Macro-& Microstructure of Steels using Non-Metallic Inclusion
Zn-AI-Fe Dross Formation Mechanism in Hot Dip Galvanizing Bath for Producing Advanced Automotive Sreels
Physical Chemistry of MnO-base Slags for Producing High-Functional Manganese Ferroalloys
Viscosity-Structure Relationship of Molten Slags and Glasses
High Temperature Physical Chemistry of Metals and Slags
Characterization of Chemical Reactions at Slag-Refractory Interface in High Temperature Reactors
Extraction and Purification of Titanium and Its Alloys
Physical Chemistry of Molten Salts for Producing Magnesium and Zirconium
Recovery of Precious- & Rare Metals from Electric Wastes and Industrial By-products ;Foucusing on Circular Economy

1. High Temperature Tube Furnace

2. High Temperature Tube Furnace

3. High Frequency Induction Furnace

4. High Frequency Induction Furnace

5. High Temperature Viscometer

6. Low Speed Cutter

7. Factsage 8.2 software

8. Gas Purification System

9. Bead machine

10. High Speed Cutter

11. CS Analyzer

12. ICP-AES Analyzer

13. ONH Analyzer

14. Gas Analyzer

15. Cutting Machine

16. Microwave Digestion System

17. Inclusion Electrolytic Extraction System