Fundamental Research for Producing High-Purity & High-Cleanliness Stainless Steels
Refining of High-Mn Steels for Generation Applications
Applications of Computational Thermodynamics for Producing High-Clean Steels ; Focusing on Smart Manufacturing
Novel Manufacturing Processes for Advanced High-Entropy Alloys
Grain Refinement of Macro-& Microstructure of Steels using Non-Metallic Inclusion
Zn-AI-Fe Dross Formation Mechanism in Hot Dip Galvanizing Bath for Producing Advanced Automotive Sreels
Physical Chemistry of MnO-base Slags for Producing High-Functional Manganese Ferroalloys
Viscosity-Structure Relationship of Molten Slags and Glasses
High Temperature Physical Chemistry of Metals and Slags
Characterization of Chemical Reactions at Slag-Refractory Interface in High Temperature Reactors
Extraction and Purification of Titanium and Its Alloys
Physical Chemistry of Molten Salts for Producing Magnesium and Zirconium
Recovery of Precious- & Rare Metals from Electric Wastes and Industrial By-products ;Foucusing on Circular Economy
Curriculum Vitae - JOO HYUN PARK
Department of Materials Engineering,Hanyang University, Ansan 426-791, Korea(Telephone: +82-31-400-5230, E-mail:
- Bachelor of Science
- : Metallurgical Engineering, Feb. 1997, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
- Master of Science
- : Metallurgical Engineering, Feb. 1999, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
- Doctor of Philosophy
- : Metallurgical Engineering, Feb. 2002, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
- PhD thesis
- Influence of Basicity and Fluorine Ions on Refining Ability and Structure of Molten Slags (supervisor: Prof. DONG JOON MIN)
Professional Carrier
- 2002-2008: Senior research scientist, Stainless Steel Research Group, Technical Research Laboratories, POSCO, Pohang, Korea
- 2008-2013: Professor, School of Materials Science & Engineering, University of Ulsan, Ulsan, Korea
- 2008-present: Project planning and review committee member, Korea Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology (KEIT), Korea Institute for Industrial Economics & Trade(KIET), Korea Institute of Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning (KETEP),Korea Institute for Advancement Technology (KIAT), Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy (MOTIE), Korea
- 2011-present: Project review committee member, National Research Foundation (NRF, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST), Korea
- 2011-present: Editorial board member of Industrial Core Technology R&D Roadmap,Korea Institute for Advancement Technology (KIAT), Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy (MOTIE), Korea
- 2013: Advisory committee member of History of Industrial Technology (book),Korea Institute for Advancement Technology (KIAT), Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE), Korea
- 2013-present: Professor, Department of Materials Engineering, Hanyang University, Ansan, Korea
- 2014-2015: Editorial board member of Industry Perspective Evaluation of University Education (Metal Industry), Korean Council for University Education (KCUE), Korea
- 2015-2018: Technical advisory professor, Dongkuk Steel, Korea
- 2016-2019: Guest researcher, Korea Institute of Materials Science (KIMS), Korea
- 2018-present: Consulting advisor, MetalGenTech, Korea
- 2019-present: External reviewer, European Science Foundation (ESF), France
- 2019-present: Affiliated professor, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
- 2020-present: Guest professor, University of Science & Technology Beijing (USTB), China
- 2021: External reviewer for tenure promotion evaluation committee, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
- 2021-present: Hyundai Steel Research Distinguished Laboratory Professor, Hyundai Steel, Korea
- 2022-present: Carbon Neutral Green Steel Technology Advisory Board, POSCO, Korea
- 2022-present: External reviewer, Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), Switzerland
- 2023-present: External project reviewer, Austrian Academy of Sciences (AAS), Austria
- 2024-present: Adjunct professor, North China University of Technology (NCUT), China
- 1994-1996: Hyunsong Foundation Scholarship, Korea
- 1997-1998: Hyosung Corporation Scholarship, Korea
- 1999-2001: LG Yonam Foundation Scholarship, Korea
- 2001: Grant from the Metals & Metallurgy Trust (Andrew Carnegie Research Fund), Institute of Materials (IOM3), UK
- 2001: POSCO Iron and Steel Paper Award (Best Paper), POSCO, Korea
- 2005: Iron and Steelmaking Technology Award (Bronze Medal), POSCO, Korea
- 2006 (Jan): Best Patent Award, POSCO, Korea
- 2006 (Apr): Poster Paper Award, Spring Conf., Korea Institute of Metals and Materials(KIM+), Korea
- 2006 (Jun): Best Patent Award, POSCO, Korea
- 2010 (Apr): Poster Paper Award, Spring Conf., KIM+, Korea
- 2010 (Oct): Best Poster Award, 5th Int. Forum on Strategic Technology (IFOST2010), Korea
- 2010 (Nov): Poster Paper Award, Fall Conf., KIM+, Korea
- 2011 (Apr): Best Research Professor Award, University of Ulsan, Korea
- 2011 (Jun): Poster Paper Award, 5th Steel Science Forum, KIM+, Korea
- 2011 (Nov): Poster Paper Award, Fall Conf., KIM+, Korea
- 2012 (Apr): Best Young Scientist Award, KIM+, Korea
- 2012 (Apr): Poster Paper Award, Spring Conf., KIM+, Korea
- 2012 (Apr): Excellent Reviewer in the TOP 20% of Metall. Mater. Trans., TMS, USA
- 2012 (Jun): Poster Paper Award, 6th Steel Science Forum, KIM+, Korea
- 2012 (Jun): Best Paper Award, 6th Steel Science Forum, KIM+, Korea
- 2012 (Oct): Poster Paper Award_1, Fall Conf., KIM+, Korea
- 2012 (Oct): Poster Paper Award_2, Fall Conf., KIM+, Korea
- 2012 (Nov): Poster Paper Award, Fall Conf., Korea Institute of Resources and Recycling (KIRR), Korea
- 2012 (Nov): Excellent Reviewer in the TOP 20% of Metall. Mater. Trans., TMS, USA
- 2013 (Mar): Excellent Reviewer in the TOP 20% of Metall. Mater. Trans., TMS, USA
- 2013 (Apr): Poster Paper Award, Spring Conf., KIM+, Korea
- 2013 (Aug): Excellent Reviewer in the TOP 20% of Metall. Mater. Trans., TMS, USA
- 2013 (Sep): Excellent Reviewer in the TOP 20% of Metall. Mater. Trans., TMS, USA
- 2013 (Nov): Excellent Reviewer in the TOP 20% of Metall. Mater. Trans., TMS, USA
- 2014 (Feb): Recognized Reviewer, Journal of Crystal Growt, ELSEVIER, NETHERAND
- 2014 (Apr): Poster Paper Award, Spring Conf., KIM+, Korea
- 2014 (Jul): Poster Paper Award, 8th Steel Science Forum, KIM+, Korea
- 2014 (Oct): 2014 Marcus A. Grossmann Young Authors Award (Metall. Mater. Trans. Best Paper Award), ASM International, ASM, USA
- 2014 (Nov): Recognized Reviewer, Journal of Hazardous Materials, ELSEVIER, NETHERLAND
- 2015 (Apr): Poster Paper Award, Spring Conf., KIM+, Korea
- 2015 (Jul): Best Paper Award, 2nd International Conference on Mining, Materials and Metallurgical Engineering (MMME2015), 20-21 July 2015, Barcelona, SPAIN
- 2015 (Sep): Recognized Reviewer, Journal of Cleaner Production, ELSEVIER, NETHERLAND
- 2015 (Oct): Best Poster Award, IUMRS-ICAM 2015, MRS-Korea, 25-29 2015, Jeju, Korea
- 2016 (Apr): Recognized Reviewer, Calphad, ELSEVIER, NETHERLAND
- 2016 (Apr): Excellent Reviewer in the TOP 20% of Metall. Mater. Trans., TMS, USA
- 2016 (Sep): Best Young Scholar Award, Hanyang University, Korea
- 2017 (Mar): 2016 Sawamura Award (ISIJ Int. Best Paper Award), Iron and Steel Institute of Japan, JAPAN
- 2017 (Apr): Poster Paper Award_1, Spring Conf., KIM+, Korea
- 2017 (Apr): Poster Paper Award_2, Spring Conf., KIM+, Korea
- 2017 (Apr): Poster Paper Award_3, Spring Conf., KIM+, Korea
- 2017 (Jul): Outstanding Reviewer Award Journal of Non-Ctystalline Solids, ELSEVIER, NETHERLAND
- 2017 (Aug): Outstanding Reviewer Award, Materials Characterization, ELSEVIER, NETHERLAND
- 2017 (Nov): Reviewer Award, The American Ceramic Society, USA
- 2018 (Jul): Poster Paper Award, 12th Steel Science Forum, KIM+, Korea
- 2018 (Sep): Outstanding Reviewer Award, Journal of Materials Research & Technology, ELSEVIER, NETHERLAND
- 2018 (Oct): Outstanding Reviewer Award, Ceramics International, ELSEVIER, NETHERLAND
- 2019 (Apr): Outstanding Poster Paper Award, Spring Conf., KIM+, Korea
- 2019 (Jun): Reviewer Award, The American Ceramic Society, USA
- 2019 (Jun): 2018 Best Research Achievement Award, Hanyang University, Korea
- 2019 (Oct): Outstanding Poster Paper Award, Fall Conf., KIM+, Korea
- 2020 (Jan): 2019 Best Research Achievement Award, Hanyang University, Korea
- 2020 (Feb): Reviewer Award, The American Ceramic Society, USA
- 2020 (Feb): 2020 Extraction & Processing Division (EPD) Science Award (Best Scientific Achievement Paper Award), TMS, USA
- 2021 (jan): 2020 Best Research Achievement Award, Hanyang University, Korea
- 2021 (june): 2021 Minister Award, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE), Korea
- 2021 (Oct): 2021 Chungwoong Award, KIM, Korea
- 2022 (Jan): 2021 Best Research Achievement Award, Hanyang University, Korea
- 2022 (Nov): Advisor Award, Korea Invention Promotion Association (KIPA), Korea
- 2024 (Jun): 2023 Best Research Achievement Award, Hanyang University, Korea
Academic society and professional activities
- 1997-present : The Korea Institute of Metals & Materials, KIM (KOR), Life member
- 1998-present : The Association of Iron and Steel Technology, AIST, formerly ISS (USA), Member
- 1999-present : The Metals, Materials, and Mining, TMS ( USA), Member
- 2005-present : The American Ceramic Society, ACerS (USA), Member and "Journal of the American Ceramic Society " Peer-reviewer
- 2005-present : Marquis Who's Who ( USA), Who's Who in the World (‘06, ‘07, ‘08, ‘09 Eds.)
- 2006-2008 : International Stainless Steel Forum, ISSF (BEL), "Human & Environment Committee" Member (to 2007), regular member present
- 2006-2008 : International Iron and Steel Institute, IISI (BEL), Member
- 2006-present : Marquis Who's Who ( USA), Who's Who in Asia (2007, 2012 Ed.)
- 2007-present : Marquis Who's Who ( USA), Who's Who of Emerging Leaders (2008-9 Ed.)
- 2007-present : The Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry, Calphad( USA), "Calphad" Journal Peer-reviewer
- 2007-present : Natural Science and Engineering Research Council, NSERC (CAN), Collaborative Research and Development Grant (CRD) " External reviewer
- 2008 : 4 th International Congress on Science & Technology of Steelmaking, ICS 2008(Japan), Session chair
- 2008-present : ELSEVIER (NED), "Resources, Conservation & Recycling" Journal Peer-reviewer
- 2009 : 8 th International Conference on Molten Slags, Fluxes, and Salts, MOLTEN 2009(Chile), Editorial committee (technical reviewer)
- 2009 : 4 th Asia Steel International Conference, ASIA STEEL 2009 ( Korea), Session chair
- 2009-present : The Korean Institute of Metals and Materials, KIMM (KOR),"Journal of Korean Institute of Metals and Materials" & "Metals & Materials International" Peer-reviewer
- 2009-present : The Korean Institute of Metals and Materials, KIMM (KOR), "KIMM Conference" Session chair and Poster paper award committee
- 2010 : 12th International Ferro Alloy Congress,INFACON XII (Finland), Editorial committee(technical reviewer)
- 2010: 5th International Forum on Strategic Technology, IFOST 2010 (Korea), technical reviewer
- 2010-present : ELSEVIER (NED), "Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics" Peer-reviewer
- 2010-present: Iron and Steel Institute of Japan, ISIJ (JPN), Member and "ISIJ International" Peer-reviewer
- 2010-present: STAHLEISEN (GER), "Steel Research International" Peer-reviewer
- 2011 : 1st International Conference on High Manganese Steels, HMnS 2011 (KOR), Local organizing committee, Session chair
- 2011: FRAY International Symposium (MEX), International committee
- 2011-present: The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, TMS (USA), “Metallurgical & Materials Transactions A and B” Peer-reviewer
- 2011-present: The Korean Institute of Metals and Materials, KIMM (KOR), Academic committee
- 2011-present: DGM (GER), "International Journal of Materials Research (formerly Zeitschrifg fur Metallkunde)" Peer-reviewer
- 2011-present: The Korean Institute of Resources Recycling, KIRR (KOR), Member
- 2012: Clean Steel in Future -HG LEE International Symposium (KOR), Organizing committee, Seccion chair
- 2012: 8th Korea-Japan Workshop on Science and Technology in Ironmaking and Steelmaking (KOR), Organizing committee, Session chair
- 2012: International Welding & Joining Conference - Korea, IWJC-Korea (KOR), Session chair
- 2012: 9th International Conference on Molten Slags, Fluxes, and Salts,MOLTEN 2012(CHN), Session chair
- 2012-present: Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining, IOM3 (UK), and Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, AusIMM (AUS), "Mineral Processing & Extractive Metallurgy (TIMM C)”" Peer-reviewer
- 2013: 13th International Ferro Alloy Congress, INFACON XIII(KAZ), Editorial committee (Technical reviewer) and Session chair
- 2013: 9th Korea-Japan Workshop on Science and Technology in Ironmaking and Steelmaking(JPN), Organizing committee, Session chair
- 2013-2018: The Korean Institute of Metals and Materials, KIMM (KOR),"Metals & Materials International" Editorial Committee
- 2013-present: JOHN WILEY & SONS(USA), "Journal of Raman Spectroscopy" Peer-reviewer
- 2013-present: The Korean Institute of Resources Recycling, KIRR(KOR), "Journal of Korean Institute of Resources Recycling" Editorial committee
- 2013-present: The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, TMS(USA), "Metallurgical & Materials Transactions B" Key reader (Board of review)
- 2013-present: The Canadian Institute of Metals, CIM (CAN), "Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly" Peer-reviewer
- 2014: 10th Korea-Japan Workshop on Science and Technology in Ironmaking and Steelmaking(KOR), Organizing committee, Session chair
- 2014-present: The Materials Information Society, ASM International (USA), "Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion" Peer-reviewer
- 2014-present: ELSEVIER (NED), "Journal of Crystal Growth" Peer-reviewer
- 2014-present: ELSEVIER (NED), "Journal of Hazardous Materials" Peer-reviewer
- 2014-present: DE GRUYTER (GER), "High Temperature Materials and Processes" Peer-reviewer
- 2014-present: TMS (USA), "Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy" Peer-reviewer
- 2015: 7th Korea-China Joint Symposium on Advanced Steel Technology (KOR), Organizing committee
- 2015: 6th International Congress on Science & Technology of Steelmaking, ICS 2015(CHN), Seccion chair
- 2015-present: ELSEVIER (NED), "Journal of Cleaner Production" Peer-reviewer
- 2015-present: ELSEVIER (NED), "Journal of Alloys & Compounds" Peer-reviewer
- 2015-present: ELSEVIER (NED), "Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids" Peer-reviewer
- 2015-present: SPRINGER (NED), "Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry" Peer-reviewer
- 2015-present: Societe Francaise Metallurgie Materiaux, SF2M (FRA), "Metallurgical Research & Technology (formerly Revue de Metallurgie)" Peer-reviewer
- 2016: 5th International Conference on Process Development in Iron- & Steelmaking, SCANMETV (SWE), International Advisory Board and Session chair
- 2016: 10th International Conference on Molten Slags, Fluxes, and Salts, MOLTEN 2016 (USA), Technical Advisory Committee, International Advisory Committee and Session Chair
- 2016: 11th Korea-Japan Workshop on Science and Technology in Ironmaking and Steelmaking (JPN), Organizing committee
- 2016: 8th Korea-China Joint Symposium on Advanced Steel Technology (KOR), Organizing committee
- 2016-present: The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, TMS (USA), “JOM” Peer-reviewer
- 2016-present: The Chinese Society for Metals, CSM (CHN), "Journal of Materials Science & Technology" Peer-reviewer
- 2017: 4th International Conference on Mining, Materials, and Metallurgical Engineering, MMME2017 (ITALY), Scientific Committee Member
- 2017: 9th Korea-China Joint Symposium on Advanced Steel Technology (KOR), Organizing committee, Session chair
- 2017: 12th Korea-Japan Workshop on Science and Technology in Ironmaking and Steelmaking (KOR), Organizing committee
- 2017: 6th Asian Conference on Molten Salt Chemistry and Technology, AMS6, Session chair
- 2017: Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum, CIM (CAN), Conference of Metallurgists, COM2017 (CAN), Poster competition judge committee
- 2017: European Congress on Advanced Materials and Processes, EUROMAT 2017 (GREECE), Session chair
- 2017-2020: Iron and Steel Institute of Japan, ISIJ (JPN), “ISIJ International” Editorial Advisory Board Member
- 2017-present: ELSEVIER (NED), "Materials Characterization" Peer-reviewer
- 2017-present: American Chemical Society, ACS(USA), "ACS Omeg" Peer-reviewer
- 2017-present: American Chemical Society, ACS (USA), "ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering" Peer-reviewer
- 2017-present: TAYLOR & FRANCIS (UK), “Mineral Processing & Extractive Metallurgy Review” Peer-reviewer
- 2018: 15th International Ferro Alloy Congress, INFACON XV (SOUTH AFRICA), Editorial committee (Technical reviewer) and Session chair
- 2018: 3rd Multidisciplinary International Conference on Advanced in Metallurgical Processes and Materials, AdMet2018 (UKRINE), International Advisory Committee and Session chair
- 2018: 5th International Conference on Mining, Materials, and Metallurgical Engineering, MMME2018 (SPAIN), Scientific Committee Member
- 2018: 16th Discussion Meeting on Thermodynamics of Alloys, TOFA2018 (KOREA), Organizing Committee Member
- 2018: 2nd International Conference on High-Entropy Materials, ICHEM2018 (KOREA), Program Committee Member
- 2018: 10th Korea-China Joint Symposium on Advanced Steel Technology (CHN), Organizing committee, Session chair
- 2018: 7th International Congress on Science & Technology of Steelmaking, ICS 2018(ITALY),Session chair
- 2018-present: Associacao Brasileira de Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineracao, ABM (BRA), "Jourmal of Materials Research and Technology" Peer-reviewer
- 2018-present: ELSEVIER (NED), "Ceramics International" Peer-reviewer
- 2018-present: ELSEVIER (NED), "Matterials Chemistry and Physics" Peer-reviewer
- 2018-present: ELSEVIER (NED), "International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials" Editorial Group Member, Peer-reviewer
- 2018-present: TAYLOR & FRANCIS (UK), “Materials and Manufacturing Processes” Peer-reviewer
- 2018-present: Electrochemical Society, ECS(USA), "Journal of Electrochemical Society" Peer-reviewer
- 2018-present: NATURE GROUP(UK), "Scientific Reports" Peer-reviewer
- 2019: 6th International Conference of Mining, Material, and Metallurgical Engineering, MMME2019 (PORTYGAL), Scientific Committee Member
- 2019: 11th Korea-China Joint Symposium on Advanced Stel Technology (KOR), Organizing committee
- 2019: European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes, EUROMAT2019(SWE), Seccion chair
- 2019: The Korean Institute of Metals and Materials, KIMM (KOR), "Metals & Materials International" Editor
- 2019:-present :Association for Iron and Steel Technology, AIST (USA), “AIST Transactions” Peer-reviewer
- 2019:-present: The American Ceramic Society, ACerS (USA), "International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology" Peer-reviewer
- 2019:-present: The Associação Brasileira de Metalurgia e Materials, ABM (BRA), "Materials Research” Peer-reviewer
- 2019:-present: ELSEVIER (NED), "Intermetallics" Peer-reviewer
- 2020: 7th International Conference on Mining, Materials, and Metallurgical Engineering, MMME2020 (CZECH REPUBLIC), Scientific Committee Member
- 2020: International Conference on Inclusion/Precipitate Engineering in Steels, IPES 2020 (SWEDEN), International Organizing Committee
- 2020:-present: MDPI (SWI), “Ceramics” Editorial Board Member
- 2020:-present: MDPI (SWI), “Metals” Peer-reviewer
- 2020:-present: MDPI (SWI), “Minerals” Peer-reviewer
- 2020:-present: ELSEVIER (NED), "Materials Letters" Peer-reviewer
- 2021: 8th Asia Steel International Conference, ASIA STEEL 2021 (KOREA), Organizing Committee, Technical Committee, Session chair
- 2021: 11th International Conference on Molten Slags, Fluxes, and Salts, MOLTEN 2021 (KOR), Conference Organizer (Secretary General), International Advisory Committee, Technical Steering Committee, Session chair
- 2021: 16th International Ferro Alloy Congress, INFACON XVI (NORWAY), International Advisory Committee, Editorial committee (Technical reviewer), Session chair
- 2021: 8th Asia Steel International Conference, ASIA STEEL 2021 (KOREA), Organizing Committee, Technical Committee, Session chair
- 2022: 15th International Ceramics Congress, CIMTEC 2022 (ITALY), Session chair
- 2022: 8th International Congress on Science & Technology of Steelmaking, ICS 2022 (CANADA), Scientific Committee, Session chair
- 2022: 4th International Conference on Science and Technology of Ironmaking & Steelmaking, STIS 2022 (INDIA), International Advisory Committee, Session chair
- 2022-present: ELSEVIER (NED), “Materials Today Communications” Peer-reviewer
- 2022-present: The Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration, SME (USA), “Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration” Peer-reviewer
- 2022-present: SPRINGER (GER), “Rare Metals” Peer-reviewer
- 2023-present: Royal Society (UK), “Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A” Peer-reviewer
- 2023-present: The Korean Institute of Metals and Materials, KIMM (KOR), “Korean Journal of Metals & Materials” Vice Editor-in-Chief
- 2023-present: International Symposium on CO2-Lean Ironmaking Technology, COOLIT 2023 (KOREA), Organizing Committee, Session chair
- 2023: International Conference on Secondary Refining and Inclusion Control, SRIC 2023 (CHINA), Academic Committee
- 2023-present: Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining, IOM3 (UK), “Ironmaking and Steelmaking” Peer-reviewer
- 2023-present: Indian Institute of Metals, IIM (INDIA), “Transactions of Indian Institute of Metals” peer-reviewer
- 2023-present: ELSEVIER (NED), "Journal of Molecular Liquids" Peer-reviewer
- 2023-present: SPRINGER (GER), "Journal of Materials Science" Peer-reviewer
- 2023-present: ELSEVIER (NED), "Chemical Engineering Journal" Peer-reviewer
- 2024: 12th International Conference on Molten Slags, Fluxes, and Salts,MOLTEN 2024 (AUSTRALIA), International Advisory Committee, Session chair
- 2024: 17th International Ferro Alloy Congress,INFACON XVII(CHINA), International Advisory Committee, Editorial committee (Technical reviewer), Session chair
- 2024: 9th Asia Steel International Conference, ASIA STEEL 2024(CHINA), International Advisory Board, Session chair
- 2024-present: The Korean Institute of Metals and Materials, KIMM(KOR), "Metals & Materials International" Editorial Committee
International (PCT)
- 1)J.H. Park, H.S. Song, H.H. Lee, D.S. Kim, and K.S. Lee: 2005.12 Manufacturing of Ferritic Stainless Steel Slabs with Equiaxed Grain Structures and the Ferritic Stainless Steel Manufactured by It (WO 07/074970 (2007.07.05), EP 1974063 (2010.07.21), CN 101351565 (2011.02.02), JP 2009-521599 (2009.06.04), US 2009-0223603 (2009.09.10))
- 2)D.S. Kim, J.H. Park, G.G. Hong, S.W. Jo, and H.H. Lee: 2006.12 A Ferro-alloy Inserting Apparatus with Reduced Absorption of Oxygen and Absorption of Nitrogen and Inserting Method Thereof (WO 08/023863 (2008.02.28), EP 2054533 (2009.12.30), CN 101541982 (2013.01.02), JP 5079005 (2012.09.07))
- 3)J.H. Park, S.M. Byun, S.B. Lee, M.O. Suk, and H.H. Lee: 2007.12 Method of Manufacturing Ultra Low Carbon Ferritic Stainless Steel Steel (WO 09/075464 (2009.06.18), CN 101896298 (2012.10.10), JP 2011-516720 (2011.05.26), US 8277537 (2012.10.02))
- 4)J.H. Park and Y. Lee: 2018.08 Molten salt composition for magnesium extraction using solid oxide membrane (SOM)(WO 2019/050228 (2019.03.14), PCT/KR2018/010177)
- 5)J.H. Park and T.S. Jeong: 2020.11 Calcium-aluminate flux using industrial by-products and manufacturing method for the same, desulfurization method of molten steel using the same (PCT/KR2020/016332)
- 6)J.H. Park and M.K. Oh: 2021.04 Dephosphorization method of molten steel using fluorite replaced flux (PCT/KR2021/005359)
- 1)J.H. Park, D.S. Kim, and Y.D. Lee: 2003.12 (A/N: 2003-0088883) Improvement of Cleanness of Ferritic Stainless Steel Melts (P/N: 0573844, 2006.04)
- 2)2) J.H. Park, Jong H. Park, Y.Y. Lee, H.H. Lee, and H.S. Song: 2004.08 (A/N: 2004-0067523) Method of Manufacturing Stainless Steel Melts containing Ultra Low Sulfur (P/N: 0911966, 2009.08)
- 3)J.H. Park, H.S. Song, and H.H. Lee: 2005.12 (A/N: 2005-0121528) Manufacturing of Ferritic Stainless Steel Slabs with Equiaxed Grain Structures (P/N: 0729124, 2007.06)
- 4)J.H. Park, H.S. Song, H.H. Lee, D.S. Kim, and K.S. Lee: 2005.12 (A/N: 2005-0131297) Manufacturing of Ferritic Stainless Steel Slabs with Equiaxed Grain Structures and the Ferritic Stainless Steel Manufactured by It (P/N: 0729934, 2007.06)
- 5)D.S. Kim, J.H. Park G.G. Hong, S.W. Jo, and H.H. Lee: 2006.08 (A/N: 2006-0079693) Apparatus with Spreading Part for Inserting Ferro-alloy (P/N: 0812018, 2008.03)
- 6)J.H. Park, S.W. Jo, S.M. Byun: 2006.12 (A/N: 2006-0136912) Method of Manufacturing Ultra Low Nitrogen Ferritic Stainless Steels (P/N: 0879837, 2009.01)
- 7)J.H. Park, S.M. Byun, S.B. Lee, M.O. Suk, H.H. Lee: 2007.12 (A/N: 2007-0129304) Method of Manufacturing Ultra Low Carbon Ferritic Stainless Steel (P/N: 0922061, 2009.10)
- 8)J.H. Park, J.S. Park and C.H. Lee: 2012.04 (A/N: 2012-0045524) Flux composition acquisition method for reducing oxygen content in weld pool of weld zone and flux composition thereof (P/N: 1410200, 2014.06)
- 9)J.H. Heo and J.H. Park: 2014.08 (A/N: 2014-0105805) Method of recovering of iron from slag
- 10)C.W. Nam, K.H. Park, E.H. Jeong, and J.H. Park: 2014.11 (A/N: 2014-0153684) Method of treatment of deep ocean manganese nodules using waste gypsum and a reducing agent (P/N: 1514838, 2015.04)
- 11)C.W. Nam, K.H. Park, E.H. Jeong, and J.H. Park: 2014.11 (A/N: 2014-0153671) Preparation method of sulfide using oxide flux from deep ocean manganese nodules (P/N: 1514837, 2015.04)
- 12)M.S. Choi, J.H. Park, and J.H. Shin: 2014.12 (A/N: 2014-0190809) Method for manufacturing sponge metal (P/N: 1685006, 2016.12)
- 13)C.W. Nam, K.H. Park, E.H. Jeong, and J.H. Park: 2015.12 (A/N: 2015-0174830) Manufacturing method of matte sulfide from deep ocean manganese nodule using nonferrous metallurgical resource (P/N: 1620509, 2016.05)
- 14)J.H. Park and J.H. Heo: 2016.01 (A/N: 2016-0009184) Method of recovering of manganese from slag (P/N: 1713825, 2017.03)
- 15)Y. Chung, J.H. Park, J.S. Yoo and J.H. Heo: 2017.07 (A/N: 2017-0159586) Recovery of iron from iron oxide containing slags and the reductants (P/N: 2042845, 2019.11)
- 16)J.H. Park and Y. Lee: 2018.08 (A/N: 2018-0103657) Fluoride-based molten flux composition for magnesium extraction through solid oxide membrane (SOM) (P/N: 2044305, 2019.11)
- 17)S.H. Choi, K.M. Lee, D.H. Nam, H.M. Park, J.M. Lee, Y.H. Choa and J.H. Park: 2019.02 (A/N: 2019-0019162) Composite nanofiber catalysts which has improved longevity and the method of manufacture thereof
- 18)S.H. Choi, K.M. Lee, D.H. Nam, H.M. Park, J.M. Lee, Y.H. Choa and J.H. Park: 2019.02 (A/N: 2019-0019163) Nanocomposite for hydrogen production of which has improved longevity and the method of manufacture thereof
- 19)J.H. Park and N. Choi: 2019.04 (A/N: 2019-0046656) Manufacturing method of high entropy alloy and high entropy alloy manufactured therefrom (P/N: 2164211, 2020.10)
- 20)J.H. Park and T.S. Jeong: 2019.12 (A/N: 2019-0172881) Calcium-aluminate flux using industrial by-products and manufacturing method for the same, desulfurization method of molten steel using the same
- 21)J.H. Park and T.S. Jeong: 2020.01 (A/N: 2020-0008889) Desulfurization method of molten steel using fluorite replaced flux
- 22)J.H. Park and M.K. Oh: 2020.04 (A/N: 2020-0051661) Dephosphorization method of molten steel using fluorite replaced flux
Invited Talks
- 1)J.H. Park and D.J. Min: 138th ISIJ Meeting, 20-22 Nov. 1999, Kanazawa, JAPAN. Thermodynamic Behavior of Carbon in Molten Slags (invited paper)
- 2)J.H. Park: Department of Metallurgical System Engineering, Graduate School, Yonsei University, 1 Jun. 2005, Seoul, KOREA. What We Want to Suppress and What We Want to Enhance at A Chance in Stainless Manufacturing Processes (invited seminar)
- 3)J.H. Park: Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Graduate School, Korea University, 4 Apr. 2006, Seoul, KOREA. OXYGEN - A Bridge between Molten and Final States of Advanced Materials (invited seminar)
- 4)J.H. Park and Y.Y. Lee: Sohn International Symposium on Advanced Processing of Metals and Materials, 27-31 Aug. 2006, San Diego, CA, USA. Formation of Spinel Phase in the Liquid Inclusions during Stainless Steelmaking Processes (keynote lecture)
- 5)J.H. Park, D.S. Kim, and S.B. Lee: POSCO and POSCO Specialty Steel Joint Workshop, 19 Mar. 2007, Pohang, KOREA. Inclusion Control Technology in Stainless Steelmaking processes (invited lecture)
- 6)J.H. Park: Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Graduate School, Seoul National University, 23 May. 2007, Seoul, KOREA. pros IRON, STEEL and GREEN Ages; Critical issues on novel steel processing (invited seminar)
- 7)J.H. Park: Photovoltaic Research Centre, Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER), 3 Aug. 2007, Daejeon, KOREA. Thermodynamics of Slag-Metal Reaction for Removal of Impurities: Pyrometallurgical Refining of Silicon (invited seminar)
- 8)J.H. Park: Graduate Institute of Ferrous Technology (GIFT), POSTECH, 15 Jul. 2008, Pohang, KOREA. Fundamentals of Stainless Steelmaking Processes (iron- & steelmaking short course lecture)
- 9)J.H. Park and M.O. Suk: 2009 Fall Conference, Korea Institute of Metals & Materials (KIM+), 22-23 Oct. 2009, Daegu, KOREA. Interfacial reaction between ZrO2 refractory and CaF2-containing slags (invited lecture)
- 10)J.H. Park: Technical Research Lab., Dongbu Metal, 25 Feb. 2010, Donghae, KOREA. Use of High Mn Steels in Automotive Fields & Production Metallurgy of Mn Alloys (invited lecture)
- 11)J.H. Park and H. Todoroki: Graduate Institute of Ferrous Technology (GIFT), POSTECH, 15 Apr. 2010, Pohang, KOREA. State-of-the-art in control of MgO?Al2O3 spinel inclusions in stainless steel industries ? Solutions manual (invited lecture)
- 12)J.H. Park: Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL), 11 Jun. 2010, Leuven, BELGIUM. Impact of Slag Fundamentals on Steelmaking Processes (invited seminar)
- 13)J.H. Park: POSCO Technical Research Laboratories, POSCO, 18 Sep. 2010, Seoul, KOREA. Thermodynamic Fundamentals of Steelmaking and Refining Processes (POSCO iron & steel technology lecture course for graduate students)
- 14)J.H. Park: Technical Development Team, PosHimetal, 10 Oct. 2010, Gwangyang, KOREA. Developments of High Mn Steels & Process Metallurgy of Manganese Ferroalloys (invited lecture)
- 15)Department of Advanced Materials Engineering, Korea Polytechnic University, 12 Jan. 2011, Siheung, KOREA. Use of High Mn Steels in Automotive Fields & Production Metallurgy of Mn Alloys (invited seminar)
- 16)J.H. Park: Technical Research Lab., Dongbu Metal, 21 Feb. 2011, Donghae, KOREA. Use of High Mn Steels in Automotive Fields & Production Metallurgy of Mn Alloys (invited lecture)
- 17)J.H. Park: Technical Development Team, Hyundai Steel, 30 Sep. 2011, Incheon, KOREA. Thermodynamics of Reduction of FeO in EAF Slags (invited lecture)
- 18)J.H. Park and G.H. Park: Fray International Symposium on Metals and Materials Processing in a Clean Environment, 27 Nov.-1 Dec. 2011, Cancun, MEXICO Sulfide Capacity of MnO-containing Slags measured by Gas-Slag Equilibration Method at 1873K (keynote lecture)
- 19)K.Y. Ko, J.H. Park and S.H. Hong: Fray International Symposium on Metals and Materials Processing in a Clean Environment, 27 Nov.-1 Dec. 2011, Cancun, MEXICO Dissolution mechanism of indium in CaO-SiO2-Al2O3 slag (keynote lecture)
- 20) J.H. Park: Department of Metallurgical and Ecological Engineering, University of Science and Technology of Beijing (USTB), 14 Feb. 2012, Beijing, CHINA. High Temperature Physical Chemistry of Metallurgical Processing (invited lecture)
- 21)J.H. Park: Technical Research Center, Hyundai Heavy Industry (HHI), 16 Jul. 2012, Ulsan, KOREA. Applications of computational thermodynamics to design of weld flux and prediction of inclusion formation in weld metal (invited lecture)
- 22)J.H. Park: Casting & Forging Technology Center, Doosan Heavy Industry and Construction (DHI&C), 20 Jul. 2012, Changwon, KOREA. Formation mechanism of spinel inclusions during melting and casting of high alloy steels (invited lecture)
- 23)J.H. Park: Surface Treatment Department, Gwangyang Works, POSCO, 26 Oct. 2012, Gwangyang, KOREA. Thermodynamics of Al sensor in hot dip galvanizing bath and dross formation behavior (invited lecture)
- 24)J.H. Park: Technical Research Center, SeAH Besteel, 31 Oct. 2012, Gunsan, KOREA. Fundamentals of inclusions and slags in steel refining processes (invited lecture)
- 25)J.H. Park: 12th International Mitsubishi Family Meeting, 20-21 Nov. 2012, Busan, KOREA. Effect of slag composition on the distribution ratio of Pb between FetO-SiO2(-CaO, Al2O3) slag and molten copper (invited lecture)
- 26) J.H. Park: Technical Research Center, SeAH Besteel, 28 Jan. 2013, Gunsan, KOREA. Fundamentals of slag chemistry and its impact on steelmaking and casting processes (invited lecture)
- 27)J.H. Park: 5th Baosteel Biennial Academic Conference, 4-6 Jun. 2013, Shanghai, CHINA. Influence of inclusion particles on the solidification structure of iron alloys (keynote lecture)
- 28)J.H. Park: Technical Research Center, Hyundai Steel, 26 Jun. 2013, Dangjin, KOREA. Inclusion control technology in Al- and Si-killed steels (invited lecture)
- 29)J.H. Park: Steelmaking and Continuous Casting Department, TATA Steel EU RD&T, TATA Steel, 12 Jul. 2013, Ijmuiden, NETHERLANDS. Fundamentals of inclusions engineering in steel refining and continuous casting processes (invited lecture)
- 30) J.H. Park: Metals & Materials Research Department, LS-Nikko Copper, 27 Aug. 2013, Ulsan, KOREA. Effect of slag composition on the recovery of iron from Cu smelting slag by solid carbon (invited lecture)
- 31)J.H. Park: Technical Research Center, SeAH Besteel, 6 Sep. 2013, Gunsan, KOREA. Clean Steel Technologies (invited lecture)
- 32)J.H. Park: 3rd International Sustainability Symposium - ‘Innovative Waste Recycling and Energy Efficiency Solutions', SMaRT Sustainability Symposium @ UNSW, 3-4 Oct. 2013, Sydney, AUSTRALIA Effect of slag composition on the recovery of iron from waste Cu smelting slags by solid carbon (invited paper)
- 33) J.H. Park: Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO), 22 Oct. 2013, Daejeon, KOREA. Iron- and steelmaking processes and technologies (invited lecture)
- 34)J.H. Park: Technical Research Center, SeAH Besteel, 7 Nov. 2013, Gunsan, KOREA. Tundish metallurgy for clean steels (invited lecture)
- 35)J.H. Park: SABIC Technology Center ? Jubail, Metals technology Center, Saudi Basic Industries Corp. (SABIC), 11 Nov. 2013, Jubail, KSA. Control of MgAl2O4 spinel inclusions in steelmaking processes (invited lecture)
- 36)J.H. Park: SABIC Technology Center ? Jubail, Metals technology Center, Saudi Basic Industries Corp. (SABIC), 14 Nov. 2013, Jubail, KSA. Fundamentals of slag chemistry and structure-property relationship (invited lecture)
- 37) J.H. Park: Production Technology Team, Hyundai Steel, 29 Nov. 2013, Heongsung, KOREA. Impact of Slag Properties on Steelmaking and Refining Processes ; from Principles to Practices (invited lecture)
- 38)J.H. Park: Mn Day Workshop, 4 Dec. 2013, NTNU, Trondheim, NORWAY. Thermodynamics of reducing refining of phosphorus from SiMn melt using CaO-CaF2 flux and the effect of slag chemistry on the emission of PH3 gas during cooling of slag (invited lecture)
- 39)S.S. Park and J.H. Park: Proc. of EPD Symp. on Pyrometallurgy in Honor of David G.C. Robertson, (2014), pp. 243-250, TMS2014, 16-20 Feb. 2014, San Diego, USA Removal of Pb from Molten Copper by FetO-SiO2 (-CaO, Al2O3) Slag Treatment in Mitsubishi Process (invited lecture)
- 40)J.H. Park and K.Y. Ko: Proc. of EPD Symp. on Pyrometallurgy in Honor of David G.C. Robertson, (2014), pp. 605-612, TMS2014, 16-20 Feb. 2014, San Diego, USA Viscosity-Structure Relationship in the CaO-SiO2-MnO-CaF2 Slag for the Production of Manganese Ferroalloys (invited lecture)
- 41)J.H. Park: Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Graduate School, Yonsei University, 17 April 2014, Seoul, KOREA. Applications of high temperature physical chemistry to the metallurgical processing ; from Principles to Practices (invited seminar)
- 42) J.H. Park: Graduate Institute of Ferrous Technology (GIFT), POSTECH, 8 May. 2014, Pohang, KOREA. Refractory-Slag-Steel-Inclusion multiphase equilibria in high temperature metallurgical processing (invited lecture)
- 43) J.H. Park: Metallurgical and Environmental Department, Swerea MEFOS, 13 Jun. 2014, Lulea, SWEDEN. Thermodynamics of reducing refining of phosphorus from SiMn melt using CaO-CaF2 flux and the effect of slag chemistry on the emission of PH3 gas during cooling of slag (invited lecture)
- 44)J.H. Park: Technical research center, Dongkuk Steel, 19 Jun. 2014, Pohang, KOREA. Control of MgAl2O4 spinel inclusions in steelmaking processes and Tundish metallurgy for clean steels (invited lecture)
- 45)J.H. Park: 8th Steel Science Forum, 3-4 July 2014, KIM+, Yeosu, KOREA. High temperature physical chemistry for producing HiMAS and Mn-ferroalloys (invited lecture)
- 46) J.H. Park: Technical research center, SungEel HiTech, 28 July 2014, Gunsan, KOREA. Fundamentals of slag chemistry in pyrometallurgical processing (invited lecture)
- 47) J.H. Park: Production Technology Team, Hyundai Steel, 31 July 2014, Incheon, KOREA. Process simulation of EAF operation in Hyundai Steel Incheon Works ; Iron recovery from EAF slag (invited lecture)
- 48)J.H. Park: Department of Metallurgical and Ecological Engineering, University of Science and Technology of Beijing (USTB), 6-8 Aug. 2014, Beijing, CHINA. Control of MgAl2O4 spinel inclusions in steelmaking and continuous casting processes (invited lecture)
- 49)J.H. Park: Department of Metallurgical and Ecological Engineering, University of Science and Technology of Beijing (USTB), 6-8 Aug. 2014, Beijing, CHINA. Tundish metallurgy for clean steels ; Active use of tundish flux and control of steel reoxidation (invited lecture)
- 50)J.H. Park: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hanyang University, 20 Jan. 2015, Seoul, KOREA. Metallurgical reactions in electric arc furnace processes (invited lecture)
- 51)J.H. Park: School of Materials Science and Engineering, Korea University, 24 Jan. 2015, Seoul, KOREA. Structure-Property relationship of aluminosilicates using Raman spectroscopy (invited lecture)
- 52)J.H. Park: Technical Research Center, SeAH Besteel, 9 Feb. 2015, Gunsan, KOREA. Fundamentals of Refining Technology for Ultra Clean Bearing Steels (invited lecture)
- 53)J.H. Park: 16th EAF Steelmaking Short Course, Korea Iron & Steel Association (KOSA), 20 Mar. 2015, Gyeongju, KOREA. Fundamentals of slag chemistry and its impact on steelmaking and refining processes (invited lecture)
- 54)J.H. Park: Technical Research Center, POSCO, 27 Mar. 2015, Gwangyang, KOREA. High Temperature Physical Chemistry for Producing High Manganese Aluminum Alloyed Steels (invited lecture)
- 55)J.H. Park and T.S. Kim: Proc. 6th Int. Cong. on Sci. & Technol. of Steelmaking [ICS 2015], (2015), pp. 866-869, ICS 2015, 12-14 May, 2015, Beijing, CHINA Viscosity of Ladle Refining Slags and Structural Analysis using micro-Raman Spectroscopy (keynote lecture))
- 56) J.H. Park: Department of Metallurgical and Ecological Engineering, University of Science and Technology of Beijing (USTB), 15-17 May 2015, Beijing, CHINA. Fundamentals of Slag Chemistry for Producing Clean Steels (invited lecture)
- 57)J.H. Park: Department of Metallurgical and Ecological Engineering, University of Science and Technology of Beijing (USTB), 15-17 May 2015, Beijing, CHINA. Tundish metallurgy for clean steels ; Active use of tundish flux and control of steel reoxidation (invited lecture)
- 58)J.H. Park: Steelmaking Department, Gwangyang Works, POSCO, 22 May 2015, Gwangyang, KOREA. Fundamentals and Applications of Slag Theory to Steelmaking and Refining Processes ; from Principle to Practice
- 59)J.H. Park: Technical Research Center, SeAH Besteel, 8 June 2015, Gunsan, KOREA. Desulfurization technology for ultra low sulfur bearing steels (invited lecture)
- 60)Y.S. Han and J.H. Park: Technical Research Center, SungEel HiTech, 24 June 2015, Gunsan, KOREA. Flux Design for Recovery of Precious Metals from Mineral Ores (invited lecture)
- 61)J.H. Park: Summer Iron- & Steelmaking Technology Short Course, Korea Iron & Steel Association (KOSA), 15 July 2015, Gyeongju, KOREA. Fundamentals and applications of steelmaking and refining processes (invited lecture)
- 62) J.H. Park: Steelmaking Department, Gwangyang Works, POSCO, 22 Oct 2015, Gwangyang, KOREA. Tundish metallurgy for clean steels ; Active use of tundish flux and control of steel reoxidation (invited lecture)
- 63)J.H. Park: Proc. Int. Union of Mater. Res. Soc.- Int. Conf. on Adv. Mater. [IUMRS-ICAM 2015], (2015), IUMRS-ICA 2015, 25-29 October 2015, Jeju, KOREA. Fundamentals and Applications of Slag Properties for Producing Clean Steels in Ladle Refining and Tundish Metallurgy (invited lecture)
- 64) J.H. Park: Technical Research Center, SeAH CSS, 4 Nov 2015, Changwon, KOREA. Fundamentals and Applications of Slag Theory to Steelmaking and Refining Processes ; from Principle to Practice (invited lecture)
- 65)J.H. Park: Technical Research Center, SeAH Besteel, 18 Nov 2015, Gunsan, KOREA. Metallurgical reactions in EAF processes (invited lecture)
- 66)J.H. Park: 30th Glass Symposium, (2015), Korean Ceramic Society, 4 Dec 2015, Seoul, KOREA. Physicochemical Properties of Aluminosilicate Melts at High Temperatures ; Upgrading metals by oxide melts (invited lecture)
- 67)J.H. Park: Technical Research Center,Dongbu Steel, 13 Jan 2016, Incheon, KOREA. Use of Al sensor in hot dip galvanizing bath and experimental research of dross formation behavior (invited lecture)
- 68)J.H. Park: Iron- & Steelmaking Technology Short Course, Korea Iron & Steel Association (KOSA), 20 January 2016, Pohang, KOREA. Fundamentals of ironmaking, steelmaking and refining processes (invited lecture)
- 69)J.H. Park: Proc. 10th Int. Conf. on Molten Slags, Fluxes, and Salts [MOLTEN 2016], (2016), pp. 715-721, MOLTEN 2016, 22-26 May 2016, Seattle, USA Understanding sulfide capacity of molten aluminosilicates via structural information from Raman and NMR spectroscopic methodologies (invited lecture)
- 70)J.H. Park: Summer Iron- & Steelmaking Technology Short Course, Korea Iron & Steel Association (KOSA), 22 June 2016, Gyeongju, KOREA. Fundamentals and applications of steelmaking and refining processes (invited lecture)
- 71) J.H. Park: Mineral Processing & Extractive Metallurgy Short Course, Energy and Mineral Resources Development Association of Korea (EMRD), 23 September 2016, Seoul, KOREA Fundamentals and applications of pyrometallurgy and refining technology (invited lecture)
- 72)J.H. Park: Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO), 13 Oct. 2016, Daejeon, KOREA Iron- and steelmaking processes and technologies (invited lecture)
- 73) J.H. Park: Casting & Forging Technology Center, Doosan Heavy Industry and Construction (DHI&C), 16 Feb. 2017, Changwon, KOREA. Fundamentals and applications of slag theory to hydrogen refining processes (invited lecture)
- 74) J.H. Park: 19th EAF Steelmaking Short Course, Korea Iron & Steel Association (KOSA), 24 Mar. 2017, Busan, KOREA. Fundamentals of slag chemistry and its impact on steelmaking and refining processes (invited lecture)
- 75)J.H. Park: 2017 Spring Conference, Korea Institute of Metals & Materials (KIM+), 26-28 April 2017, Changwon, KOREA. Understanding physicochemical properties of molten slag and application of computational thermodynamics to steelmaking processes (invited lecture)
- 76)J.H. Heo and J.H. Park: 2nd Metallurgy Innovation Symposium [MIS2017], (2017), MIS2017, 6-9 June 2017, Beijing, CHINA Recovery of iron and manganese from EAF slag via novel aluminothermic smelting reduction (ASR) process (invited lecture)
- 77)J.H. Park: Chair of Ferrous Metallurgy, Department of Metallurgy, Montanuniversitaet Leoben, 23 June 2017, Leoben, AUSTRIA Grain refinement of cast structure of ferritic steels using inclusion particles (invited lecture)
- 78)J.H. Park: Proc. of Int. Metall. Process Workshop for Young Scholars [IMPROWYS 2017], (2017), IMPROWYS 2017, 11 – 12 August, 2017, Shenyang, CHINA Use of inclusion particles for the grain refinement during melting and casting of ferritic steels (invited lecture)
- 79)J.H. Park: Technical Research Center, Dongkuk Steel, 19 Oct. 2017, Pohang, KOREA Fundamentals and Applications of Slag Theory to Steelmaking and Refining Processes ; from Principle to Practice (invited lecture)
- 80)J.H. Park: Incheon Steel Works, Hyundai Steel, 31 Oct. 2017, Incheon, KOREA Fundamentals and Applications of Slag Theory to Steelmaking and Refining Processes ; from Principle to Practice (invited lecture)
- 81)J.G. Kang, J.H. Shin and J.H. Park: 3rd Int. Conf. on Sci. Technol. of Ironmak. & Steelmak. [STIS 2017], (2017), STIS 2017, 11-13 December, 2017, IIT Kanpur, INDIA Desulfurization kinetics and inclusion formation mechanism in high-S containing steel during secondary refining process (keynote lecture)
- 82)J.H. Park: Technical Research Center, SeAH Besteel, 06 April 2018, Gunsan, KOREA Diffusion of fundamental theory for best practice in SeAH Besteel (invited lecture)
- 83)J.H. Park: Technical Research Center, Heesung PMTech, 17 May 2018, Dangjin, KOREA Fundamentals and Applications of Slag-Refractory Reactions to Pyrometallurgical Processes (invited lecture)
- 84)T.S. Kim and J.H. Park: 15th Int. Ferro Alloy Cong. [INFACON XV 2018], (2018), INFACON XV 2018, 25-28 Feb. 2018, Cape Town, SOUTH AFRICA Influence of CaF2 content on viscosity and structure of MnO-BaO-SiO2-MgO-CaF2 slags (invited lecture)
- 85)J.H. Park, J.G. Kang, T.S. Kim and Y. Chung: 7th Int. Cong. on Sci. & Technol. of Steelmaking [ICS 2018], (2018), ICS 2018, 13-15 Jun., 2018, Venice, ITALY Influence of physicochemical properties of ladle slag on desulfurization reaction kinetics: Criteria for transition of rate controlling step (keynote lecture)
- 86)J.H. Park: Department of Metallurgical and Ecological Engineering, University of Science and Technology of Beijing (USTB), 13-15 July 2018, Beijing, CHINA Fundamentals of Slag Properties for High Quality Steelmaking Processes (invited lecture)
- 87)J.H. Park: 10th Int. Conf. on Clean Steel [Clean Steel 2018], (2018), Clean Steel 2018, 18-20 Sep., 2018, Budapest, HUNGARY Fundamentals and Applications of Slag Properties for Producing Clean Steels in Ladle and Tundish (plenary lecture)
- 88)J.H. Park: Institute of Metals and Technology (IMT), 21 Sep, 2018, Ljubljana, SLOVENIA Influence of slag viscosity on desulfurization kinetics and steel cleanliness (invited lecture)
- 89)J.H. Shin and J.H. Park: China Symposium on Sustainable Steelmaking Technology [CSST 2018], (2018), CSST 2018, 25-27 Oct., 2018, Tianjin, CHINA Control of MgAl2O4-CaS(MnS) Complex Inclusions in Al-killed Resulfurized Steel Melts (keynote lecture)
- 90)J.H. Park: Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University of Science & Technology, 31 October 2018, Seoul, KOREA Property-Structure-Processing of Ferritic Stainless Steels (invited lecture)
- 91)J.H. Park: Department of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering, Aalto University, 29 November 2018, Helsinki, FINLAND High temperature physical chemistry of slag-metal-refractory multiphase reactions (invited lecture)
- 92)J.H. Park: Technical Research Center, SeAH Besteel, 4 Jan. 2019, Gunsan, KOREA. Fundamental study for reduction of fluorspar consumption in steelmaking and refining processes (invited lecture)
- 93)J.H. Park: 2019 Spring Conference Abstract of the KIMM, (2019), Kor. Inst. Met. & Mater., April 2019, Changwon, KOREA Fundamentals and Applications of Slag Properties for Producing Clean Steels (invited lecture)
- 94)J.H. Park: 2019 Int. Conf. on Future Vision of Metallurgy, (2019), 25-26 May 2019, Beijing, CHINA Education of Vision of Metallurgy and Recent Development of Clean Steel Processes in Korea (invited lecture)
- 95)J.H. Park: 91st Steel Technology Symposium, (2019), 5 June 2019, Seoul, KOREA High Temperature Physical Chemistry of Recovery of Valuable Metals from Metallurgical Slags ; Slag Chemistry to Circular Economy (invited lecture)
- 96)J.H. Park: Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Yeungnam University, 11 July 2019, Gyeongsan, KOREA Control of impurities and inclusions to improve mechanical properties of steels and high entropy alloys (invited lecture)
- 97)J.H. Park: Department of Materials Science and Engineering, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 12 June 2020, Stockholm, SWEDEN Understanding process-structure-property of metals and slags ; high temperature experiments and computational thermodynamics (invited lecture)
- 98)J.H. Park: Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Korea University, 17 November 2020, Seoul, KOREA On the Circular Economy and Carbon Neutral Society ; Perspective of Materials Strategy
- 99)T.S. Kim and J.H. Park: Proc. 11th Int. Conf. on Molten Slags, Fluxes, and Salts [MOLTEN 2021], (2021), MOLTEN 2021, 21-25 Feb 2021, Seoul (Virtual Conference), KOREA Physicochemical Properties of Slags for Improvement of Steel Cleanliness ; Case Studies of LF, RH and Tundish Conditions (keynote lecture)
- 100)J.H. Park: 2021 Korea-Finland Sustainable and Circular Economy Symposium, (2021), 20 Aug 2021, Virtual, KOREA and FINLAND On the Circular Economy and Carbon Neutral Society: Perspective of Materials Strategy (Keynote lecture)
- 101)T.S. Kim, J.H. Shin, L. Holappa, P. Jonsson and J.H. Park: Proc. of 10th European Continuous Casting Conference [ECCC 2021], (2021), ECCC 2021, 20–22 October 2021, Bari, ITALY
- 102)T.S. Kim and J.H. Park: Proc. of 75th Annual Technical Meeting of Indian Institute of Metals [IIM ATM 2021], (2021), IIM ATM 2021, 14-15 November 2021, Virtual, INDIA Influence of physicochemical properties of CaO-Al2O3-MgO based slags on cleanliness of Al-killed steels in secondary refining and continuous casting processes (Keynote lecture)
- 103)J.H. Park: 2021 Welding Metallurgy Symposium, (2021), Kor. Weld. & Join. Soc., November 2021, Yeosu. Physical chemistry of basic fluxes and oxide-nitride inclusions to improve solidified equiaxed structures in high strength and alloyed steels (invited lecture)
- 104)J.H. Park: Proc. 8th Asia Steel Int. Conf. [ASIA STEEL 2021], (2021), ASIA STEEL 2021, 5-9 December 2021, Gyeongju, KOREA Improvement of Steel Properties Via Equiaxed Grain Structure Formed during Solidification of Steels: Fine Tuning of Oxide-Nitride Multiphase Inclusions (Keynote lecture)
- 105)J.H. Park: Proc. China Symp. on Sustain. Steelmak. Tech. [CSST 2021], (2021), CSST 2021, 15-17 December 2021, Changsha & Virtual, CHINA Grain refinement of advanced high strength steels and stainless steels by controlling non-metallic inclusions during refining, casting and reheating processes (Keynote lecture)
- 106)J.H. Park: Stainless Steel Production Department, POSCO, 17 March 2022, Pohang, KOREA. Fundamentals and Applications of Slag Theory to Steelmaking and Refining Processes ; from Principle to Practice (invited lecture)
- 107)J.H. Park: Stainless Steel Production Department, POSCO, 8 April 2022, Pohang, KOREA. Control of MgO∙Al2O3 Spinel Inclusions in Stainless Steelmaking and Casting Processes (invited lecture)
- 108)J.H. Park: Stainless Steel Production Department, POSCO, 29 April 2022, Pohang, KOREA. Tundish Metallurgy ; Effect of Steel Reoxidation on Cleanliness (invited lecture)
- 109)J.H. Park: International USTB Metallurgy Council, (2022), 70th Anniversary of University of Science and technology Beijing (USTB), 14 May, 2022, Beijing, CHINA Education of metallurgy and recent progress of clean steel technology in Korea (Plenary lecture)
- 110)J.S. Han, J.H. Heo and J.H. Park: Proc. 15th Int. Ceram. Cong. [CIMTEC 2022], (2022), CIMTEC 2022, 20-24 June 2022, Montecatini Terme, ITALY Self-protecting mechanism of magnesia refractory in electric arc furnace (EAF) operation conditions: Challenges of active use of direct reduced iron (DRI) as an alternative iron source (Invited lecture)
- 111)J.H. Park: Technical Research Center, Hyundai Steel, 29 June 2022, Dangjin, KOREA. Fundamentals and Applications of Slag Theory to Metallurgical Processes; from Principle to Practice (invited lecture)
- 112)J.H. Park: Technical Research Center, Hyundai Steel, 30 June 2022, Dangjin, KOREA. EAF Slag Metallurgy for Efficient Dephosphorization and Slag Foamability with Longer Lining Life (invited lecture)
- 113)J.H. Park: Technical Meeting of Ferroalloys Committee, Korea Iron & Steel Association (KOSA), 6 October 2022, Asan, KOREA. Fundamentals and applications of high temperature physicochemical properties of ferroalloys slags (invited lecture)
- 114)J.H. Park: Technical Research Laboratories, POSCO, 19 November 2022, Pohang, KOREA. Use of direct reduced iron (DRI) and hot briquetted iron (HBI) in electric arc furnace and electric smelting furnace processes (invited lecture)
- 115)J.H. Park and D.J. Min: Proc. of 4th Int. Conf. on Sci. Technol. of Ironmak. & Steelmak. [STIS 2022], (2022), STIS 2022, 13 – 16 December, 2022, IIT Mumbai, INDIA Slag design for producing high-clean steels: From fundamental knowledge to industrial applications (Plenary lecture)
- 116)J.H. Park: Proc. of Int. Symp. on CO2-lean Ironmaking Technology [COOLIT 2023], (2023), COOLIT 2023, 25-28 June 2023, Gyeongju, KOREA Challenges in Electric Steelmaking Technology for Reduction of CO2 Emissions (Keynote lecture)
- 117)J.H. Park: Technical Research Center, Dongkuk Steel, 18 July 2023, Pohang, KOREAChallenges in EAF steelmaking for reduction of GHG (CO2) emissions (invited lecture)
- 118)J.H. Park: Proc. 1st Int. Conf. on Secondary Refining & Inclusion Controlling [SRIC 2023], (2023), SRIC 2023, 23-25 August 2023, Kunming, CHINA High temperature physical chemistry of secondary refining slag for producing clean steels (Plenary lecture)
- 119)J.H. Park: Steel & Metal Korea 2023 [SMK 2023],(2023), SMK 2023, 11-12 October 2023, Daegu, KOREA Innovative Technology for Low Carbon Society: Advanced Electric Furnace Technology (invited lecture)
- 120)J.H. Park: Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Yeungnam University, 23 January 2024, Gyeongsan, KOREA Fundamentals and Applications of Slag Theory to Steelmaking and Refining Processes (invited lecture)
- 121)J.H. Park: North China University of Technology (NCUT), 22 March 2024, Beijing, CHINAPhysicochemical Properties of Slags for Producing High-Clean Steels: From Fundamental Knowledge to Industrial Applications (invited lecture)
- 122)J.H. Park: 5th Metallurgy Innovation Symposium [MIS2017],(2024), MIS2024, 23 March 2024, Beijing, CHINA Greener way to sustainable society via innovative metallurgical technology (invited lecture)
- 123)J.H. Park: 12th int. Conf. on Molten Slags, Fluxes and Salts [MOLTEN2024],(2024), MOLTEN2024, 17-19 June 2024, Brisbane, AUSTRALIAPhysicochemical properties of steelmaking slags for the mitigation of CO2 emissions in steel sector (Plenary lecture)
Supervisor and Review Committee of Master and Doctoral Theses
- 1)G.H. Park: Sulfide capacity of the CaO-SiO2-MnO slag at 1873 K, MSc thesis, Univ. of Ulsan, Feb. 2011
- 2)W. Kim: Study on the electrochemical reaction of interfacial oxygen in molten steel, PhD thesis, Yonsei Univ., Feb. 2011
- 3)J.G. Park: Thermodynamic behavior of copper in oxysulfide inclusions for Mn/Si deoxidized steel, PhD thesis, Yonsei Univ., Aug. 2011.
- 4)D.Y. Jang: Thermodynamic behavior of copper in CaO-B2O3 and BaO-B2O3 slags, MSc thesis, Yonsei Univ., Aug. 2011.
- 5)D.J. Kim: Interfacial reaction kinetics between CaO-SiO2-MgO-Al2O3 flux and Fe-Mn-Al steel melts at 1873 K, MSc thesis, Univ. of Ulsan, Feb. 2012.
- 6)Y.J. Kim: Effect of FeO and Al2O3 on MgO solubility in CaO-SiO2-FeO-Al2O3-MgO slag at 1823K, MSc thesis, Yonsei Univ., Feb. 2012
- 7)K.Y. Ko: Thermodynamics of indium dissolution behavior in CaO-SiO2-Al2O3 slag, MSc thesis, Univ. of Ulsan, Feb. 2013
- 8)J.S. Park: Effect of complex inclusion particles on the solidification structure of iron alloy, MSc thesis, Univ. of Ulsan, Feb. 2013.
- 9)J.H. Shin: Solubility of nitrogen in high manganese steel (HiMnS) and thermodynamics of reducing refining of phosphorus from SiMn alloy using CaO-CaF2 flux, MSc thesis, Univ. of Ulsan, Feb. 2013.
- 10)R.X. Piao: Thermodynamic studies on oxysulfide containing CaO-MnO-Al2O3-SiO2-S systems, and their applications to inclusions engineering in sulfur bearing steels, PhD thesis, GIFT, POSTECH, Aug. 2013
- 11)S.K. Kwon: Effect of Ce on characterization of non-metallic inclusions in steels and the interfacial reaction mechanism between refractory and austenitic stainless steel melt at 1873K, MSc thesis, Univ. of Ulsan, Feb. 2014.
- 12)J.H. Heo: Effect of slag composition on the distribution behavior of Pb between FetO-SiO2 (-CaO, Al2O3) slag and molten copper, MSc thesis, Univ. of Ulsan, Feb. 2014
- 13)M.K. Paek: Inclusion Thermodynamics of High-Al and High-Mn Alloyed Liquid Steels, PhD thesis, Hanyang University, Feb. 2014
14)Y. Bi: Three dimensional determination of inclusions in ferroalloys and steel samples, PhD thesis, KTH Royal Institute of Technology , Stockholm, SWEDEN, June 2014
- 15)L. Yu: Carbothermal reduction of quartz in the N2-H2 gas atmosphere, MSc thesis, UNSW (Univ. of New South Wales), Sydney, AUSTRALIA, Dec. 2014.
- 16)E.H. Jeong: Sulfurization of Fe-Ni-Cu-Co alloy to matte phase by carbothermic reduction of calcium sulfate, MSc thesis, Hanyang University, Aug. 2015.
- 17)Y.S. Han: Thermodynamics on dissolution behavior of Indium in FeO-SiO2-Al2O3-5CaO-MgOsat slag system, MSc thesis, Hanyang University, Aug. 2015.
- 18)Y.J. Kang: Nucleation behavior of acicular ferrite in the multi-pass weld metal of high strength steel, PhD thesis, Hanyang University, Feb. 2016
- 19)M.S. Kim: Reaction mechanism and kinetic analysis of chemical reactions between high Mn-high Al steel and CaO-SiO2 type mold flux, PhD theis, GIFT, POSTECH, Feb. 2016.
- 20)J.H. Park: Numerical analysis of the smelting furnace in Mitsubishi process for Cu refining, PhD thesis, Seoul National University, Feb. 2016.
- 21)J.S. Han: Sulfide capacity of CaO-Al2O3-SiO2-CaS at CaS solubility limit, MSc thesis, Hanyang University, Feb. 2016
- 22)S.J. Jeong: Effect of Ce2O3 on the sulfide capacity and structure of MnO-SiO2-Al2O3 system, MSc thesis, Hanyang University, Aug. 2016.
- 23)J.H. Seo: Thermodynamic analysis and experimental study on deoxidation of titanium by calcium, MSc thesis, Hanyang University, Aug. 2016.
- 24)C.H. Eom: Physical chemistry of the reduction behavior of manganese oxide, PhD thesis, Yonsei University, Aug. 2016.
- 25)J.G. Kang: Effect of slag chemistry on desulfurization kinetics in secondary refining processes, MSc thesis, Hanyang University, Feb. 2017.
- 26)J.G. Yang: Distribution behavior of aluminum and titanium between Ni-based alloys and molten slags in electro slag remelting (ESR) process, MSc thesis, Hanyang University, Feb. 2017.
- 27)S.M. Lee: Effect of initial iron content in molten zinc bath on dissolution kinetics of iron during hot dip galvanizing process, MSc thesis, Hanyang University, Feb. 2017.
28)J.H. Shin: Computational thermodynamics to predict the inclusions during steelmaking processes of specialty steels, PhD thesis, Hanyang University, Aug. 2017.
- 29)J.M. Jang: Thermodynamics of nitride and oxide formation in high alloy steel melts, PhD thesis, Hanyang University, Aug. 2017
- 30)M.H. Lee: Effect of grain refinement of solidification structure on formability of ferritic stainless steel, MSc thesis, Hanyang University, Aug. 2017.
- 31)M.A.H. Shuva: Analysis of thermodynamic behaviour of valuable elements and slag structure during e-waste processing through copper smelting, PhD thesis, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, AUSTRALIA, Jul. 2017.
32)F. Li: SiC production using SiO2 and C agglomerates, PhD thesis, NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology), Trondheim, NORWAY, Oct. 2017.
- 33)K.H. Do: Thermodynamics of Dephosphorization, Desulfurization and Deoxidation in High Cr-containing Liquid Iron, PhD thesis, Hanyang University, Feb. 2018.
- 34)S. Lee: Investigation of viscosity and sulfide capacity considering ionic structure of slag, PhD thesis, Yonsei University, Feb. 2018.
- 35)D.H. Kim: Understanding Sulfur Transfer Reaction between Molten Steel and Molten Slag under Electric Field, MSc thesis, POSTECH, Feb. 2018.
36)T. Yoshioka: Parameters influencing inclusion compositions in Al-killed steel melts during a secondary refining process, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, SWEDEN, June 2018.
37)J.H. Heo: Reduction kinetics and recovery of valuable metals from metallurgical slags based on high temperature physical chemistry, PhD thesis, Hanyang University, Aug. 2018.
38)T. Alatarvas: Evolution of inclusion population in calcium treated ultra-high strength steels, PhD thesis, University of Oulu, Oulu, FINLAND, Nov. 2018.
- 39)J.S. Han: Physicochemical consideration of interfacial reaction between steelmaking slag and MgO refractory, MSc thesis, Hanyang University, Feb. 2019.
- 40)N. Choi: Effect of melting condition on microstructure and mechanical properties of CoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloy, MSc thesis, Hanyang University, Feb. 2019.
- 41)C. Bae: Influence of microstructure on the mechanical properties of steel materials, PhD thesis, Hanyang University, Feb. 2019.
- 42)Y. Lee: Thermodynamics of fluoride molten salts and dissolution kinetics of MgO for extraction of magnesium, MSc thesis, Hanyang University, Aug. 2019.
- 43)D.H. Kim: Effect of temperature and fluxing agents on reaction mechanism in ilmenite ore smelting process, MSc thesis, Hanyang University, Aug. 2019.
44)T.S. Kim: Influence of physicochemical properties of slags on steel cleanliness during refining and casting processes, PhD thesis, Hanyang University, Feb. 2020.
- 45)S.Y. Hong: Refining mechanism of titanium scrap using argon-hydrogen plasma of reverse polarity, MSc thesis, Hanyang University, Aug. 2020.
- 46)T.S. Jeong: Effect of fluorspar and industrial wastes on desulfurization efficiency of molten steel, MSc thesis, Hanyang University, Feb. 2021.
- 47)J.Y. Kang: Effect of Al and Ti on second phase formation and mechanical properties of CoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloy, MSc thesis, Hanyang University, Feb. 2021.
48)A. Broggi: Condensation of SiO and CO in silicon and ferrosilicon production, PhD thesis, NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology), Trondheim, NORWAY, Mar. 2021.
- 49)R. Kim: Study on the microstructural effect of austenite phase on the mechanical properties of steels, PhD thesis, Hanyang University, Aug. 2021.
- 50)J. Cho: Desulfurization Behavior of Incoloy® 825 Ni Superalloy by CaO-Al2O3-MgO-TiO2 Slag, MSc thesis, Hanyang University, Feb. 2022.
- 51)J. Park: Effect of Oxygen Blowing on the Impurity Removal and Interfacial Phenomena in Recycling Processes, MSc thesis, Hanyang University, Feb. 2022.
- 52)D.H. Kim: A Study to Correlate between Electrochemical Desulfurization of Molten Iron using CaO-Al2O3-MgO Molten Slag and Applied Electric Current, PhD thesis, POSTECH, July 2022.
- 53)D.W. Kim: Comparative study on the evolution behavior of non-metallic inclusions in Fe-1.5%Al and Fe-4%Si steels, MSc thesis, Hanyang University, Feb. 2023.
- 54)J.M. Lee: Development of technology to use industrial wastes in EAF, MSc thesis, Hanyang University, Feb. 2023.
- 55)G.H. Yang: Optimization of L12 precipitation strengthening in ferrous multi-component alloys, PhD thesis, Hanyang University, Feb. 2024.
- 56)R.R. Kim: Elucidation of precious metal-slag-refractory reaction and dissolution mechanism of palladium in slag for recovery of precious metals from industrial waste, MSc thesis, Hanyang University, Feb. 2024.
- 57)H.J. Kim: Evaporation Mechanism of Cu and Sn from Liquid Steel under Reduced Pressure for Developing Ferrous Scrap Recycling Process, MSc thesis, POSTECH, Feb. 2024.
- 58)Y.M. Cho: Investigation of Reoxidation Phenomena during the Tundish Operation: Quantitative Approach through a Coupling Reoxidation Reaction and Computational Fluid Dynamics, PhD thesis, POSTECH, Feb. 2024.
59)M.K. Kar: Iron and Alumina Recovery from Bauxite Residue through Hydrogen Reduction, PhD thesis, NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology), Trondheim, NORWAY, May 2024.
- 60)I.S. Ock: Hydrogen embrittlement behavior of the Fe70Cr20Ni10 austenitic stainless steel containing Cr-rich BCC particles, MSc thesis, Hanyang University, Aug. 2024.