Conference abstracts(Korean)

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1 2006 Thermodynamics of Al-N-AlN in Molten Steel W.Y. Kim, J.J. Pak, D.S. Kim, and J.H. Park 2006 Spring Conference Abstract of the KIMM, (2006), Kor. Inst. Met. & Mater., Apr. 2006, Changwon
2 2006 Thermodynamics of TiOx in Steelmaking Slags S.I. Kim, J.J. Pak, D.S. Kim, and J.H. Park 2006 Spring Conference Abstract of the KIMM, (2006), Kor. Inst. Met. & Mater., Apr. 2006, Changwon
3 2006 Interaction Parameters between Al and Ti in Molten Steel (poster paper award) J.O. Jo, J.J. Pak, D.S. Kim, and J.H. Park 2006 Spring Conference Abstract of the KIMM, (2006), Kor. Inst. Met. & Mater., Apr. 2006, Changwon