Conference abstracts(Korean)

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1 2021 Physical chemistry of basic fluxes and oxide-nitride inclusions to improve solidified equiaxed structures in high strength and alloyed steels (invited lecture) J.H. Park 2021 Welding Metallurgy Symposium, (2021), Kor. Weld. & Join. Soc., November 2021, Yeosu.
2 2021 Refining and microstructure control of Ti alloys utilizing recycling of Ti scrap J.K. Kim, S.Y. Hong, M.K. Paek and J.H. Park 2021 Fall Conference Abstract of the KIRR, (2021), Kor. Inst. Resources & Recycling, November 2021, Gangneung.
3 2021 Thermodynamics of slag design for recovery of precious metals from waste PCB, catalyst, and coating sludge R.R. Kim, J. Park, H.S. Park, Y.H. Kim and J.H. Park 2021 Fall Conference Abstract of the KIRR, (2021), Kor. Inst. Resources & Recycling, November 2021, Gangneung.
4 2021 Influence of basicity and Na2O on the distribution ratio of arsenic (As) between molten copper and CaO-SiO2-FeO-MgO slag (poster paper award) J. Park and J.H. Park 2021 Fall Conference Abstract of the KIMM, (2021), Kor. Inst. Met. & Mater., October 2021, Jeju.
5 2021 Inclusion formation behavior in Fe-1.5%Al and Fe-3%Si melts D.W. Kim, T.S. Kim and J.H. Park 2021 Fall Conference Abstract of the KIMM, (2021), Kor. Inst. Met. & Mater., October 2021, Jeju.
6 2021 Thermodynamics of pyrometallurgical processing for the recovery of copper and precious metals from industrial wastes R.R. Kim, J. Park, M.K. Paek, G.S. Han, Y.H. Kim, H.S. Park and J.H. Park 2021 Fall Conference Abstract of the KIMM, (2021), Kor. Inst. Met. & Mater., October 2021, Jeju.
7 2021 Desulfurization kinetics of Incoloy®825 superalloy using ladle refining slag J.H. Cho and J.H. Park 2021 Fall Conference Abstract of the KIMM, (2021), Kor. Inst. Met. & Mater., October 2021, Jeju.
8 2021 Effect of oxygen bowing pattern on the removal rate of impurities from molten copper (poster paper award) J. Park, S.K. Kwon, J.E. Lee, and J.H. Park 2021 Fall Conference Abstract of the KIMM, (2021), Kor. Inst. Met. & Mater., October 2021, Jeju.
9 2021 Effect of slag composition on the inclusion formation in Si-killed stainless steel melts J.H. Cho, T.S. Jeong, T.S. Kim and J.H. Park 2021 Fall Conference Abstract of the KIMM, (2021), Kor. Inst. Met. & Mater., October 2021, Jeju.
10 2021 Thermodynamic behavior of distribution of titanium between FeSi melt and CaO-SiO2-Al2O3 slag (Student paper award) M.J. Lee, S.C. Duan, T.S. Kim and J.H. Park 2021 Fall Conference Abstract of the KIMM, (2021), Kor. Inst. Met. & Mater., October 2021, Jeju.
11 2021 Thermodynamics of arsenic (As) distribution between copper melt and slag in view of EOL-LED recycling J. Park, Y.M. Seo, K.W. Lee, K.S. Park and J.H. Park 2021 Spring Conference Abstract of the KIRR, (2021), Kor. Inst. Resources & Recycling, May 2021, Yeosu.
12 2021 Applications of industrial wastes recycling in steel refining processes T.S. Jeong and J.H. Park 2021 Spring Conference Abstract of the KIRR, (2021), Kor. Inst. Resources & Recycling, May 2021, Yeosu.
13 2021 Refining of sulfur from Ni-based superalloy using CaO-Al2O3-MgO-TiO2 slag J.H. Cho and J.H. Park 2021 Spring Conference Abstract of the KIRR, (2021), Kor. Inst. Resources & Recycling, May 2021, Yeosu.
14 2021 Effect of Al-dross on dephosphorization efficiency in EAF process (Student paper award) M.K. Oh and J.H. Park 2021 Spring Conference Abstract of the KIMM, (2021), Kor. Inst. Met. & Mater., April 2021, Virtual Conference.
15 2021 Physical chemistry of slag melting phenomena T.S. Jeong, C.Y. Yoo, Y. Chung, J.H. Park 2021 Spring Conference Abstract of the KIMM, (2021), Kor. Inst. Met. & Mater., April 2021, Virtual Conference.
16 2021 Effect of oxygen blowing on the surface tension of molten copper and slag-metal interfacial phenomena (Student paper award) J. Park, J. Lee and J.H. Park 2021 Spring Conference Abstract of the KIMM, (2021), Kor. Inst. Met. & Mater., April 2021, Virtual Conference.
17 2021 Desulfurization behavior of Incoloy®825 superalloy using CaO-Al2O3-MgO-TiO2 slag (Student paper award) J.H. Cho, J. Martinsson, D. Sichen and J.H. Park 2021 Spring Conference Abstract of the KIMM, (2021), Kor. Inst. Met. & Mater., April 2021, Virtual Conference