Conference abstracts(Korean)

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1 2011 Effect of slag composition on the distribution behavior of Pb between FetO-SiO2(-CaO,Al2O3) slag and molten copper (poster paper award) J.H. Heo, S.S. Park, and J.H. Park 2011 Fall Conference Abstract of the KIMM, (2011), Kor. Inst. Met. & Mater., Oct. 2011, Daejeon
2 2011 Effect of binary complex inclusions on the solidification structure of advanced high strength steel J.S. Park, C.H. Lee, and J.H. Park 2011 Fall Conference Abstract of the KIMM, (2011), Kor. Inst. Met. & Mater., Oct. 2011, Daejeon
3 2011 Thermodynamic Behavior of Indium in the CaO-SiO2-Al2O3 System K.Y. Ko and J.H. Park 2011 Fall Conference Abstract of the KIMM, (2011), Kor. Inst. Met. & Mater., Oct. 2011, Daejeon
4 2011 Interfacial reaction kinetics between Fe-Mn-Al steel and CaO-SiO2-MgO-Al2O3 flux at 1873 K D.J. Kim and J.H. Park 2011 Fall Conference Abstract of the KIMM, (2011), Kor. Inst. Met. & Mater., Oct. 2011, Daejeon
5 2011 Dissolution Mechanism of Indium in Molten CaO-SiO2-Al2O3 Slag at 1773K K.Y. Ko, S.H. Hong and J.H. Park 2011 Spring Conference Abstract of the KIMM, (2011), Kor. Inst. Met. & Mater., Apr. 2011, Daegu
6 2011 Thermodynamics of Nitrogen Solubility in High Manganese Steel for Future Vehicles (poster paper award) J.H. Shin, J.H. Park and D.J. Min 5th Steel Science Forum, (2011), Kor. Inst. Met. & Mater., Jun. 2011, Cheonan
7 2011 Thermodynamics on the dissolution behavior of Indium in the CaO-SiO2-Al2O3 slag K.Y. Ko and J.H. Park 2011 Fall Conference Abstract of the KIRR, (2011), Kor. Inst. Resources & Recycling, Oct. 2011, Suwon
8 2011 A review on the control of MgO×Al2O3 spinel inclusions in stainless steels J.H. Park and H. Todoroki 2011 Spring Conference Abstract of the KIMM, (2011), Kor. Inst. Met. & Mater., Apr. 2011, Daegu
9 2011 Effect of oxide inclusions on the solidification structure of advanced high strength steel J.S. Park, C.H. Lee, Y. Huh and J.H. Park 2011 Spring Conference Abstract of the KIMM, (2011), Kor. Inst. Met. & Mater., Apr. 2011, Daegu