Conference proceedings(International)

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1 2002 Influence of CaF2 on Viscosity and Structure of Molten Slags J.H. Park, D.J. Min, H.S. Song, and Y.D. Lee 85th Steelmaking Conf. Proc., (2002), pp. 775-786, 85th ISS Steelmaking Conf., 10-13 Mar. 2002, Nashville, TN, USA
2 2002 Modeling the Viscosity of Blast Furnace Slags containing FeO Y.S. Lee, J.H. Park, D.J. Min, S.H. Yi, and W.W. Huh 61st Ironmaking Conf. Proc., (2002), pp. 155-165, 61st ISS Ironmaking Conf., 10-13 Mar. 2002, Nashville, TN, USA