Conference proceedings(International)

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1 2013 Effect of slag composition on the recovery of iron from waste Cu smelting slags by solid carbon (invited paper) J.H. Park 3rd Int. Sustainability Symp. - ‘Innovative Waste Recycling and Energy Efficiency Solutions, (2013), p. 9, SMaRT Sustainability Symposium @ UNSW, 3-4 Oct. 2013, Sydney, AUSTRALIA
2 2013 Influence of thermal history on the acicular ferrite nucleation in HSLA multipass welds Y.J. Kang, J.H. Park, and C. Lee Proc. 3rd East Asia Symp. on Technol. Wed. & Join. [EAST-WJ2013], (2013), EAST-WJ2013, 22 Nov. 2013, Busan, KOREA
3 2013 Structure-Property Relationships of CaO-SiO2-MO (M=Mn2+, Mg2+) Oxide Melts derived from micro-Raman Spectroscopy J.H. Park Proc. 12th Int. Conf. on Struct. of Non-Cryst. Mater. [NCM12], (2013), p. 73, NCM 12, 7-12 Jul. 2013, Trento, ITALY
4 2013 Formation of equiaxed crystals by complex inclusions and fluxes during solidification of advanced high strength steel J.S. Park, C. Lee and J.H. Park Proc. 8th Pacific Rim Int. Conf. on Adv. Mater. Process. [PRICM 8], (2013), pp. 657-663, PRICM 8, 4-9 Aug. 2013, Hawaii, USA
5 2013 Viscosity of Low Silica Calcium Aluminosilicate Melts and Structural Analysis using Raman Spectroscopy T.S. Kim and J.H. Park Proc. ATPC 10th Asian Thermophysical Properties Conf. [ATPC2013], (2013), ATPC2013, 29 Sep. – 3 Oct. 2013, Jeju, KOREA
6 2013 Physicochemical properties of MnO-based slags for the production of manganese ferroalloys – a review J.H. Park Proc. 13th Int. Ferro Alloy Cong. [INFACON XIII 2013], (2013), pp. 585-594, INFACON XIII 2013, 9-12 Jun. 2013, Almaty, KAZAKHSTAN
7 2013 Effect of CaF2 on the reduction rate of MnO in CaO-SiO2-MnO Slag by Si-Mn melt J.H. Heo, S.D. Jeon, S.C. Shim and J.H. Park Proc. 13th Int. Ferro Alloy Cong. [INFACON XIII 2013], (2013), pp. 567-573, INFACON XIII 2013, 9-12 Jun. 2013, Almaty, KAZAKHSTAN
8 2013 Reducing dephosphorization of SiMn alloy by molten CaO-CaF2 flux and thermodynamic stability of Ca3P2 under atmospheric cooling conditions J.H. Shin and J.H. Park Proc. 13th Int. Ferro Alloy Cong. [INFACON XIII 2013], (2013), pp. 575-584, INFACON XIII 2013, 9-12 Jun. 2013, Almaty, KAZAKHSTAN
9 2013 Effect of Ce addition on the formation behavior of inclusions in stainless steel melts J.H. Park and S.K. Kwon Proc. AISTech2013, (2013), pp. 1285-1292, AISTech2013, 6-9 May 2013, Pittsburgh, USA
10 2013 Influence of inclusion particles on the solidification structure of iron alloys (keynote lecture) J.H. Park and J.S. Park Proc. 5th Baosteel Biennial Academic Conf. [BAC2013], (2013), CD-ROM paper B-347, BAC2013, 4-6 June 2013, Shanghai, CHINA