Conference proceedings(International)

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1 2008 Thermodynamic Relation between Aluminum and Chromium in Liquid Iron J.O. Jo, C.O. Lee, W.Y. Kim, M. Bahgat, J.H. Park, and J.J. Pak Proc. 4th Int. Cong. on Sci. & Technol. of Steelmaking [ICS 2008], (2008), pp. 554-557, ICS 2008, 6-8 October. 2008, Gifu, JAPAN
2 2008 Thermodynamic Relations between Chromium, Titanium and Nitrogen in Liquid Iron C.O. Lee, W.Y. Kim, B.H. Kim, D.S. Kim, J.H. Park, and J.J. Pak Proc. 4th Int. Cong. on Sci. & Technol. of Steelmaking [ICS 2008], (2008), pp. 558-561, ICS 2008, 6-8 October. 2008, Gifu, JAPAN
3 2008 Structural Assessment of Fluorine in Calcium Silicates: Focusing on the Viscosity of CaO-SiO2-CaF2 System J.H. Park, D.J. Min and Y. Sasaki Proc. 4th Int. Cong. on Sci. & Technol. of Steelmaking [ICS 2008], (2008), pp. 570-574, ICS 2008, 6-8 October. 2008, Gifu, JAPAN
4 2008 Carbon pickup from MgO-C refractory at slag-metal-refractory interface J. Lee, E. Kim, S. Cho and J.H. Park Proc. 4th Int. Cong. on Sci. & Technol. of Steelmaking [ICS 2008], (2008), pp. 330-332, ICS 2008, 6-8 October. 2008, Gifu, JAPAN
5 2008 Thermodynamics of Copper Dissolution into MnO-SiO2-MnS Inclusion System J.G. Park, H. Kim, J.H. Park and D.J. Min Proc. 4th Int. Cong. on Sci. & Technol. of Steelmaking [ICS 2008], (2008), pp. 522-525, ICS 2008, 6-8 October. 2008, Gifu, JAPAN
6 2008 Effect of CaF2 on the melting bEffect of CaF2 on the melting behavior of slag and refractory corrosionehavior of slag and refractory corrosion M.O. Suk and J.H. Park CAMP-ISIJ, vol. 21, (2008), p. 914, 156th ISIJ Meeting, 23-25 Sep. 2008, Kumamoto, JAPAN
7 2008 Effect of bottom bubbling on decarburization rate in VOD process S.B. Lee, S.M. Byun, J.H. Park, M.O. Suk, J.A.T. Jones, and D.I. Walker Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. on Process Develop. in Iron & Steelmaking [SCANMET III], vol. 1, (2008), pp. 131-140, SCANMET III, 8-11 June. 2008, Luleå, SWEDEN