Conference proceedings(International)

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1 2010 Effect of oxide particles on the solidification structure of advanced high strength steel (best poster award) J.S. Park, D.J. Kim and J.H. Park 5th Int. Forum on Strategic Technol. [IFOST 2010], 13-15 Oct. 2010, Ulsan, KOREA
2 2010 Effect of aluminum alloying on the formation behavior of inclusions in high Mn steel melts J.H. Park, D.J. Kim and D.J. Min CAMP-ISIJ, vol. 23, (2010), p. 921, 160th ISIJ Meeting, 25-27 Sep. 2010, Hokkaido, JAPAN
3 2010 Relationship between discrete anionic structures and physicochemical properties of CaO-SiO2-MnO glass C.I. Park and J.H. Park Proc. Mater. Sci. & Technol. [MS&T2010], (2010), pp. 167-178, MS&T2010, 17-21 Oct. 2010, Houston, USA
4 2010 Effect of aluminum content on the evolution of dross in hot dip galvanizing bath J.H. Park, G.H. Park, and D.J. Paik Proc. Mater. Sci. & Technol. [MS&T2010], (2010), pp. 1304-1315, MS&T2010, 17-21 Oct. 2010, Houston, USA
5 2010 Viscous Behavior of Slag with respect to Slag Structure H. Kim, Y.S. Lee, J.H. Park and D.J. Min Proc. HINO Symposium, (2010), pp. 93-98, HINO Symposium, 23-25 May 2010, Tokyo, JAPAN
6 2010 Thermodynamics of Carbon Removal by Molten Slags from Manganese Alloy Melts J.H. Park, G.H. Park, C.I. Park, J.G. Park, D.J. Min, H.C. Jo and Y.E. Lee Proc. 12th Int. Ferro Alloy Cong. [INFACON XII 2010], vol. II, (2010), pp. 601-610, INFACON XII 2010, 6-9 Jun. 2010, Helsinki, FINLAND
7 2010 Interfacial reaction between refractory materials and metallurgical slags containing fluoride J.H. Park, M.O. Suk and I.H. Jung Proc. Seetharaman Seminar, (2010), p. 18, Seetharaman Seminar, 14-15 Jun. 2010, Sigtuna, SWEDEN
8 2010 Thermodynamics of TiO2 in MgO saturated slags and its influence on the inclusion formation in STS409L J.H. Park, S.B. Lee and H.R. Gaye Proc. 6th Kor.-Jpn. Workshop on Sci. and Technol. in Ironmaking and Steelmaking, (2010), pp. 84-93, 6th Korea-Japan Workshop on Science & Technology in Ironmaking & Steelmaking, 7-9 Jan. 2010, Seoul,
9 2010 Applications of Computational Thermodynamics on the Phase Equilibria of Complex Oxide Systems for Slags and Inclusions in Metallurgical Industries J.H. Park Proc. 39th CALPHAD Meeting [CALPHAD XXXIX], (2010), p. 127, CALPHAD XXXIX, 23-28 May. 2010, Jeju, KOREA