Conference proceedings(International)

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1 2009 Influence of Na2O Content on Viscosity of Blast Furnace Type Slags H. Kim, Y.S. Lee, J.H. Park and D.J. Min Proc. 4th Asia Steel Int. Conf. [ASIA STEEL 2009], (2009), CD-ROM paper no. S2-14, ASIA STEEL 2009, 24-27 May 2009, Busan, KOREA
2 2009 Effect of calcium aluminate slags on the formation behaviour of MgO-Al2O3 inclusion in ferritic stainless steel melts J.H. Park Euro. Cong. on Adv. Mater. Process. [EUROMAT 2009], 7-10 Sep. 2009, Glasgow, UK
3 2009 Dynamic wetting of alumina and dolomite substrates by Fe-19%Cr-10%Ni alloys M. Shin, J. Lee and J.H. Park Euro. Cong. on Adv. Mater. Process. [EUROMAT 2009], 7-10 Sep. 2009, Glasgow, UK
4 2009 Thermodynamics on the formation of inclusions containing MgAl2O4 spinel phase during steelmaking processes J.H. Park and S.B. Lee Proc. 4th Asia Steel Int. Conf. [ASIA STEEL 2009], (2009), CD-ROM paper no. S3-15, ASIA STEEL 2009, 24-27 May 2009, Busan, KOREA
5 2009 Development of ACASIA for Alloy Addition in Stainless Steelmaking Ladle (invited paper) D.S. Kim, J.H. Park, J.J. Kim, S.B. Lee and K.S. Lee Proc. 4th Asia Steel Int. Conf. [ASIA STEEL 2009], (2009), CD-ROM paper no. S3-34, ASIA STEEL 2009, 24-27 May 2009, Busan, KOREA
6 2009 The Viscous Behavior and Structure of Blast Furnace Type Slags H. Kim, Y.S. Lee, J.H. Park and D.J. Min Proc. 4th Asia Steel Int. Conf. [ASIA STEEL 2009], (2009), CD-ROM paper no. S2-13, ASIA STEEL 2009, 24-27 May 2009, Busan, KOREA
7 2009 Investigation of the wetting characteristics of liquid Fe-18%Cr-10%Ni alloys on the alumina and dolomite substrates at 1873 K J. Lee, M. Shin, and J.H. Park Proc. 8th Int. Conf. on Molten Slags, Fluxes, and Salts [MOLTEN 2009], (2009), pp. 933-937, MOLTEN 2009, 18-21 Jan. 2009, Santiago, CHILE
8 2009 Interfacial reaction between metallurgical slags containing fluorspar and zirconia refractory J.H. Park and M.O. Suk Proc. 6th Int. Conf. on High Temp. Capillarity [HTC 2009], (2009), p. 78, HTC 2009, 6-9 May 2009, Athens, GREECE
9 2009 Thermodynamic impact of molten slags on the formation behavior of MgO-Al2O3-TiOx inclusion in steel melts J.H. Park, S.B. Lee, and H.R. Gaye Proc. 8th Int. Conf. on Molten Slags, Fluxes, and Salts [MOLTEN 2009], (2009), pp. 267-274, MOLTEN 2009, 18-21 Jan. 2009, Santiago, CHILE
10 2009 The viscous behavior of high alumina containing blast furnace type slags H. Kim, Y.S. Lee, J.H. Park, and D.J. Min Proc. 8th Int. Conf. on Molten Slags, Fluxes, and Salts [MOLTEN 2009], (2009), pp. 247-255, MOLTEN 2009, 18-21 Jan. 2009, Santiago, CHILE