Conference proceedings(International)

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1 2007 Interfacial Phenomena at Slag-Metal-Refractory Interfaces S.Y. Cho, W. Li, J. Lee, and J.H. Park Proc. Phys. Chem. Steel Refining Symp. of 28th Int. ATS Steelmaking Conf., (2007), pp. 67-88, 28th Int. ATS Steelmaking Conf., 13-14 Dec. 2007, Paris, FRANCE
2 2007 Formation of Calcium Zirconate Compound in Stainless Steel Slags containing ZrO2 J.H. Park Euro. Cong. on Adv. Mater. Process. [EUROMAT 2007], 10-13 Sep. 2007, Nürnberg, GERMANY
3 2007 A kinetic study of controlling nitrogen in process for boron steel by using 30N2 isotope gas S.M. Han, J.H. Park, Jung H. Park, J.M. Park, and D.J. Min Proc. Phys. Chem. Steel Refining Symp. of 28th Int. ATS Steelmaking Conf., (2007), pp. 60-66, 28th Int. ATS Steelmaking Conf., 13-14 Dec. 2007, Paris, FRANCE
4 2007 Development of Alloy Addition Apparatus for the Reduction of Melt Reoxidation in Stainless Steelmaking Ladle at POSCO D.S. Kim, J.H. Park, J.J. Kim, and K.S. Lee AISTech2007 Proc., (2007), CD-ROM Paper No. 101, AISTech2007 Conference, 7-10 May 2007, Indianapolis, IND, USA